Browser, Internet, Web, Search, Tab, Google, Firefox
Here I am to show  some hidden and some known cool google tricks for you :

1.The wizard of oz

To mark the The Wizard of Oz’s 80th anniversary , Google has added a delightful Easter Egg to Search .
If you will search the wizard of oz in Google and tap on the shoe it will change that page to a magical page with really some interesting animation

2. Thanos 

In behave of the great villain thanos Google made the thanos snap animation on google search page .
Just type Thanos on google and click on the gauntlet and all the characters in that page will disappear slowly .

3.Google gravity 

Open Google and type google gravity , click on the first link , a website will open same as Google search but it will drop towards the gravity as in the picture . you can play with them by putting the characters like search bar google logo where ever you want .

4.Google pond 

Want to use Google to search and explore the underwater space? Google Underwater Search is one of the best April Fool's Day jokes, and now you can search under water with water and fish . Just search for google pond or google underwater .

5.Google in 1980 

What Google would have looked like in the 80s”. ... “If Google were invented in the 80s”. .. You can find it by searching for Google in 1980 . Well it looks like you are a computer expert and doing some hacking .

6. Google snake 

Google built an online  game inspired by the classic arcade game Snake to welcome Chinese 2013 New Year. Not just any drawing — it is an actual ..
Its really took you to childhood .

7.Pac man 

Based on the classic 1980s arcade game, Google Pac-Man is one of the best Google Doodle games. While playing this game, you must control the Pac-Man.....
Search for pac-man .

8. Google sphere

A rotated version of, kind of google tricks. Provides you with a reversed Google site, known as Google backwards.
The whole surrounding will rotate like a sphere .
Search for google sphere.

9.Zerg rush 

A playable game originally created by Google with small 'o' characters that destroy search results if they are not clicked with the mouse pointer.
Search for Zerg rush and Click on the first link . 


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